17 vets a month commit suicide under VA care

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1000 suicide attempts a month

ARMY TIMES | Apr 27 2008

After learning that more than 17 veterans per month commit suicide while under the care of the Veterans Affairs Department, senators accused VA of withholding information about suicide rates and demanded the removal of its mental health chief.

“The culture of the VA has to change,” said Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., after a Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing Wednesday.

To restore credibility, she said VA must take responsibility and dismiss Dr. Ira Katz, deputy chief patient care services officer for mental health.

“He clearly knew information and was holding it from us here in Congress,” Murray said.

Deputy VA Secretary Gordon Mansfield said he shared Murray’s concerns, but stopped short of taking responsibility for them.

“I apologize for the implications here,” he said, adding that he does not believe VA is engaged in a concerted campaign to withhold information.

Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii, chairman of the committee, backed the call for Katz’s resignation.

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